Call A&M Auto Service704-583-2523

12715 Downs Cir Pineville, NC 28134, USA


Helping Pineville Area Volvo Drivers for Decades

At almost 90 years old, Volvo shows no signs of slowing down when it comes to manufacturing dependable cars that look as timeless on the roads now as they first did almost a century ago. With trucks, SUVs, sedans, and sports cars, Volvo has avoided resting on reputation and continues to push for more. Few vehicles combine the power of a Volvo along with reliability and safety features that ensure a smooth ride for years and miles to come. At A&M Auto Service in Pineville, NC we offer drivers the quality service your car needs to maintain the high performance and safety features that you expect.

Volvo Repair & Service

Your Go-to Volvo Shop

At A&M Auto Service our certified mechanics offer complete Volvo services in- house, eliminating the need for expensive visits to multiple shops or repeat visits to the dealership to fix an issue. We handle everything your car needs including:

Our mechanics use the latest available factory-grade tools and equipment available in order to ensure your complete satisfaction with every visit.

Save $25 on $250 Service!

Save $25 off of any service normally priced $250.00 or more! Valid for first time customers only. Must present coupon at check in. Not valid with other coupons. See shop for details.

EXP: 02-05-25

Free 30 Point Travel Safety Check!

Includes belts, hoses, fluids, tires condition and pressure, electrical brakes and much more. Coupon cannot be combined with any other offer.

EXP: 02-05-25

Schedule an Appointment Today

Conveniently located in Pineville, the experts at A&M Auto Service have also helped drivers throughout surrounding areas such as:

Volvos are known for reliably strong performance that you can count on and when you visit our shop we’ll make sure that it stays that way. Please call or visit us today to speak with one of our mechanics or to schedule your car’s next service appointment.

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